Biblical Masculinity

By Rev. William H. Cobb III
[Eze 22:30 NKJV] "So I sought for a MAN among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one…"
I wonder if God is looking at the America of today and saying the same thing that He did back then? Culture and society have been trying (and in my opinion succeeding) to emasculate men, to make men weak in mind, body, and morality because there are few things that a depraved world fears more than a Man who not only stands firm in the Holiness of God, but also speaks out against evil and injustice. God is seeking out Biblically Masculine Men to lead this generation in the ways of the Kingdom and to deliver this generation from the wickedness that we are facing! So are you "man enough" to pick up that mantle?
Sadly far too many are ignorant of what it means to be a man let alone biblically masculine. Our society has it's own opinions about masculinity and how it should be. For men they need to be more open minded to the point of being useless, they need to be more feminine to the point where they need to be protected, and of course they need to be followers and not leaders. We need to keep in mind that those that desire this type of……dare I say masculinity….. are the same one that call real masculinity toxic! Toxic to a sinful world definitely, toxic to our families absolutely not.
Now you should be asking what is a Biblically Masculine man and how do I become one? Well the best thing to do is turn to scripture [1Co 16:13 ESV] Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.
"Be watchful"
Have you noticed that men are being pushed further and further away from certain issues? Issues like abortion and men sharing bathrooms/locker rooms with women among many other things. As Men we are to not only watch, but to intervene when necessary. As men we should not be afraid to speak out against wickedness, far too often we as men are held back by fear. A fear of offending others, a fear of being canceled, a fear of losing friends and family, a fear of losing our jobs and positions, a fear of not being able to continue in our comfortable lifestyle. Being a Man is not easy it involves strife and struggle, if we are not struggling in our lives then we are not growing. The spiritual life is similar to exercising the body we have to push past our limits and go beyond what is comfortable to grow stronger. As we keep watch and speak out against immorality we will grow stronger and bolder.
Remember in proverbs 31 that famous passage about biblical womanhood there are two verses about the husband the first is [Pro 31:23 KJV] 23 Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. The Husband was known in the gates in other words he helped to keep watch of all that came into the city where his family, friends, and neighbors lived to make sure that nothing which would bring harm entered in. Men we are called to be watchers and protectors, if WE are not fulfilling this role all kinds of wickedness will take hold of all that WE hold dear.
"Stand firm in the Faith"
As men we are called to be unwavering in Biblical Truth. If our Faith decreases or strays from Biblical Truth then those that look to us for guidance will begin to fall away as well. Which is why we must seek out, live out, and proclaim Biblical Truth. We do not have the luxury to simply believe whatever someone behind a pulpit tells you to believe. When we stand before the judgment seat of Christ we can not say "Well the preacher told me this was true!" that will not suffice because in [Phl 2:12 KJV] 12 … out your own salvation with fear and trembling. If we are lead astray then all those that follow us and trust in us they too will be lead astray.
"Act like Men, be Strong"
Men need to be strong. We need to be physically strong, because when we are physically strong we intimidate many who would try to abuse us and our loved ones. There are fewer and fewer men who know how to "Walk Tall" in other words how to walk with confidence in such a way that it exudes power. Confidence and power intimidate the wicked, it deters them from even wanting to harm us or attack the people we love, because they know they wont walk away unharmed. So many men today look as weak as children and even more men have the emotional fortitude of 6 year olds. There are several videos on "TikTok" and "Youtube shorts" of what appear to be men crying over having to work 30 hours a week, or complaining that they have to work at all, or complaining that people weren't nice to them. We must be strong physically, emotionally, and Sprirtually.
Lastly even though there are hundreds of scriptures and things I could say about Biblical Masculinity we will end with this….
[Eph 5:25 KJV] Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
Too many Husbands do not love or respect their wives as they should. There are men out there who are emotionally and physically abusive to their wives and that is not masculine that is a weak person bullying someone they feel is weaker than them. We are called to protect, uplift, and love our wives. To let them shine as the daughters of Almighty God that they are. I shouldn't need to elaborate any further on that. Simply treat your wife as you would want to be treated and recognize her as the Daughter of God. If your wife's earthly Father would be upset or disturbed by the way you treat his daughter then all the more her Heavenly Father.
Again there is so much more that I could say perhaps I will make a part 2, but for now I will end on the words of Paul. [Eph 6:10 KJV] Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.